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Oolong tea at Lerbs and Hagedorn
Here you can order selected flavoured Oolong tea in convenient bulk packs.
Did you know?
Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea that has been known for centuries to be beneficial to health. Translated into German, oolong means "black dragon". The tea got its name from the shape of its leaves, which remind the observer of a dragon. In terms of taste, oolong tea is clearly different from other teas. In China, dragon tea is called the drink of long friendship. Another special feature of Olong tea is that its production requires a lot of manual labour. During a stay in the country of origin, oolong tea is served to you überwiegend with particularly fatty dishes. As with other teas, oolong tea comes in many different flavours.
Origin of oolong
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Oolong tea has a reputation for having a positive effect on health and for speeding up the breakdown of body fat. In a study conducted in Japan, it was shown that women who drank oolong tea every day for about six weeks consumed ten percent more energy than women who drank other drinks instead. Oolong tea is mainly grown in the Wu Yi Mountains, which are located in the Chinese province of Fujian. However, you can also buy oolong tea grown, harvested and processed in Taiwan or in other Asian countries such as the Formosa Peninsula and in Africa (Kenya).
Manufacture of oolong tea
Oolong tea is a mild, yet very aromatic tasting tea. The tea variety is a semi-fermented tea, which can neither be assigned to the group of green teas nor to the black teas. The oxidation time of oolong tea lies between that of green and black teas. The tea leaves are harvested green. Only through fermentation and further processing does oolong tea acquire its black colour. To dry, the plucked tea leaves are spread out in the sun for different lengths of time. To rest, the dried tea leaves are stored in a dark room. By occasionally shaking the tea leaves, small amounts of juice are released, which form a chemical compound with the oxygen in the air. This accelerates the oxidation process. With Oolong tea, only the outer tea leaves are fermented. As a tea connoisseur and tea lover, you can already recognise oolong tea by its typical colour. Oolong tea will delight you with its extraordinary variety of flavours. Depending on which variety you choose, the aroma can be floral, smoky, fruity or spicy. You should try out the different varieties to find out which one you and your family members like best. Why not invite your friends to a small tea ceremony and take the opportunity to try out different varieties?
Taste of oolong tea
You will find that, unlike black and green tea, oolong tea tastes pleasant and not bitter even when steeped for longer periods. Dragon tea tastes less tart than green tea and more delicate and subtle than black tea. Oolong tea will delight you with its sweet, fruity and spicy taste. When enjoying tea, however, you should be aware that oolong tea affects your body differently and take the effect into account when planning your day. You can brew oolong tea several times without noticing a reduction in taste quality. Only the caffeine content of the dragon tea is minimally reduced by each additional infusion. As an awakener in the morning, you should steep oolong tea for a maximum of one to two minutes and drink the first infusion. Each subsequent infusion may be left to steep for a little longer. From the third infusion onwards, the infusion time of Oolong tea may even be up to 7 minutes. To help you sleep well and deeply, it is a good idea to drink a later infusion of dragon tea before going to bed. If you prepare oolong tea as a sleeping drink, you should steep it for between three and four minutes to reduce the caffeine content of the tea. You will find that no matter what time of day you drink oolong tea, it is good for your body and soul.
Customer service
If you have any questions about our oolong teas, need more information about the sales process, or would like to give us feedback, one of our staff will be happy to help.
Service hotline: 0172/ 9149105.
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