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Buy delicious green tea online quickly and cheaply at lerbs-hagedorn.de
You will find a variety of flavours here in bulk packs. The flavoured green tea meets the highest quality standards.
Preparation & Storage - Green Tea
When preparing green tea, the water must not exceed 90 degrees; it is even better to add less heat. However, 50 degrees is the maximum lower limit, because of course the tea and the substances contained in it should also be able to dissolve. In general, 70 degrees is considered the best variant, because the vitamin C in the tea improves the absorption of the valuable polyphenols. The addition of lemon juice is often recommended, which is also beneficial for the extraction of these substances, which are so beneficial to health.
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Furthermore, this tea can be brewed two or even three times, whereby the brewing time is reduced depending on the infusion. It is not very long anyway, three to four minutes at the most, and should be strictly adhered to for the reasons described. Some people particularly appreciate the second infusion and a famous proverb says: "The first cup for the enemies, the second for the friends:
- Temperature between 50 and 90 degrees
- 3-4 minutes brewing time
- You can infuse 2 to 3 times
- Add lemon juice if needed
Green tea is best stored in a dry place and protected from light. The leaves in particular should be freed from dust and impurities before preparation. It is therefore advisable to use a lockable box that protects them from light, heat and moisture.
Did you know?
Green tea tastes good and is healthy
The tea plant has been cultivated in China for thousands of years, and green tea, which is popular all over the world today, stems from an ancient tradition. In the course of time, both the cultivation and the preparation itself have been refined, and in some regions of the Middle Kingdom and especially in Japan, the tea ceremony is one of the most important traditions of all.
The fermentation of green tea
The freshly planted leaves of the tea plant are first allowed to wilt and then prevented from fermenting by heating or steaming. All valuable and healthy ingredients are preserved in this way and a conversion into aromatic substances is excluded. Similar to black tea, green tea is rolled, which makes the tea leaf smoother and the substances contained easily find their way into the tea cup.
Green tea is not just green tea
Grüntee is a hot drink that is being drunk more and more. It is popular not only for its health benefits, but also for its slightly tart yet fresh taste. However, it should also be noted that the effects of green tea vary.
Naturally, the effects of green tea depend on the concentration and composition of the ingredients. The main effects therefore also vary depending on the variety. Another factor for the effect of the tea is also the quality of the tea. Laboratory analyses show that better quality green teas are also significantly more harmonious and contain higher concentrations of active ingredients than poor quality teas.
Which green tea is the right one for me?
Green tea is grown in different seed varieties. Probably the most common variety is "Cultivar Yabukita", a pleasant tasting tea. Each type of seed has different ingredients, and their characteristics are also different. Only a few types of seeds, such as Benifuuki, Okumidori or Yamakai, have the special methylated catechins. It is therefore advantageous to alternate between the different types of seeds on a regular basis.
With green tea, you should also pay attention to the bioavailability of the polyphenols and their intake. Polyphenols are aromatic compounds that we take in with our food in varying amounts. They have an anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventive effect, but if they are consumed in excessive quantities, they can have toxic effects. The bioavailability of polyphenols depends strongly on the form in which they are taken, whether powder, infusion, capsules etc.. Other factors such as the inhibition or promotion of absorption by other substances also play a major role. Milk, lemon or catechins, for example, inhibit the effect of polyphenols.
Green tea can develop its effect not only through individual ingredients, but mainly through combination and interaction. It is important to understand that a large part of the effect of green tea does not result from individual ingredients, but the complex interaction with each other, especially in combination with different varieties. Studies show that, for example, positive results are achieved through the complex effect of caffeine together with the amino acid L-theanine, and it has also been proven that certain catechins are more effective in combination than the intake of individual catechins.
As a result, it is worthwhile to alternate between different types, qualities, combinations and preparation methods depending on the purpose of use. Green tea only unfolds its full effect if you select and combine different varieties throughout the day or week.
The ideal green tea base
The effect of green tea as a base
Green tea can prevent minor illnesses or weakened constitutions as a daily basic supply in the form of a basic package, and it can also help to improve fitness, achieve the personal ideal weight or a healthy metabolism. A basic package consisting of the most important green tea varieties: Gyokuro, Sencha, Bancha and Matcha is beneficial for this. Spread throughout the day, the ingredients and the main effects of these varieties complement each other perfectly.
Green Tea Caffeine / Teein
Green tea is often viewed critically because of its caffeine content. In general, the caffeine content of this green tea base is rather beneficial for adults because, unlike coffee, it is buffered by L-theanine, i.e. amino acids. With a total of about 210 mg per day and a preparation temperature of 55 degrees and a brewing time of two minutes, green tea is also well below the limit of 300 mg for so-called unbuffered caffeine.
For mild illnesses and general health maintenance, it is recommended to drink the three main varieties of the basic package every day, in the morning Gyokuro, at lunchtime Sencha and in the evening Bancha. Green tea matcha should be supplemented 2-4 times a week between morning and noon.
Effects of the individual green tea varieties
.The Gyokuro tea
The health benefits of Gyokuro tea are obtained through what is known as full shading. Through this method, this type of green tea has a large amount of L-theanine, several amino acids, caffeine and various other polyphenols. Caffeine can be found in many plants, but L-theanine is found almost exclusively in the green tea varieties Gyokuro, and by some distance also in Matcha and Sencha. The combination of L-theanine in Gyokuro gives caffeine a special healthy and refreshing effect.
The effects of Gyonkuro tea
Gyokuro is considered the best natural remedy for kidney ailments and especially kidney inflammation. The high content of digestible caffeine and aminos also improves metabolism, enhances brain function and stimulates thinking. This type of green tea is also strengthening and very positive for the heart and circulatory system, the lungs and bronchial tubes.
- The high proportion of caffeine promotes the metabolism.
- It is said to have a strengthening effect on the circulatory system.
Greater tea than Sencha
Sencha tea is responsible for health prevention, support in various diseases and optimal nutrient supply. Because Sencha is exposed to strong sunlight, this green tea has a particularly high bitter substance and catechin content. Both substances have many positive effects on health. Sencha tea is beneficial for the metabolism, fat and protein metabolism and for losing weight. It is also good for the bile, the pancreas, our immune system, temperature regulation and the human stomach.
- Due to its high exposure to sunlight, Sencha tea has a high content of nutrients.
- It is said to have a beneficial effect on the burning of fat and protein.
- This tea is said to be more digestible for sensitive digestive systems
Bancha tea
Bancha íst a green tea that is mainly characterised by its high content of minerals and trace elements, especially iron.
Due to its iron content (38mg per 100g tea), it is especially suitable for vegetarians, vegans and menstruating women and is one of the most iron-rich foods. Good quality Bancha also has a sufficient amount of 30-40 (!) rare trace elements that the human body needs. Bancha tea has an excellent effect on the digestion due to its numerous tannins and has a very relaxing effect. Due to its low caffeine content, it can also be drunk with sensitive intestinal and gastric mucous membranes and can also be enjoyed by pregnant and breastfeeding women in small quantities.
- Bancha tea has a high number of trace elements.
- It has a comparably low caffeine content compared to other green tea variations.
The matcha tea
The powdered form of matcha tea< has the ability to make certain ingredients available to the tea water. The powder form also makes catechins and antiodixants particularly bioavailable. Matcha tea is beneficial for a regular detoxification of the body and thus helps to lose weight and reach the ideal weight. This green tea also has a beneficial effect on the metabolism, general performance and endurance and the human brain.
Visit also our cheap matcha tea variations at lerbs-hagedorn.com
Buy Matcha Tea Online in our Tea Shop
Ordering green tea online in our shop lerbs-hagedorn.de has many advantages.
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