Sencha is one of the best known types of green tea. Originally drunk by Buddhist monks for spiritual gathering, it is now considered a source of inspiration and vitality. Sencha means boiled tea: Sen = boil, Cha = tea. During production, the tea is "polished" into its elongated folded leaf shape while drying on warm supports before being heated in wood-fired pans to give the tea its desired shape. After infusion, the full leaf structure is visible and the cup enjoys a bright yellow colour. The fresh, grassy aroma with its fine acidity delights every Sencha lover! The correct preparation of Green Tea China BIO Sencha is also crucial. Here is our tip: Use 4-5 heaped teaspoons/1 litre of Green Tea China BIO Sencha and steep it at 75-80 ̊C Celsius for approx. 1-3 minutes.