This tea tasting pack contains 7 tea samples with a content of approx. 15g-20g each.The following tea´s are included:100305 Organic Darjeeling Tea FTGFOP 'Ambootia' Pleasantly tangy, spicy aroma and clear golden cup. Fine tea from the first plucking period. First Flash100215 Organic Darjeeling Tea SFTGFOP' Selim Hill'Harmoniously flowery,light golden cup.A bestseller from our programme.100175 Darjeeling TGFOP 'Namring'Almost a duty to include the little brother from this excellent plantation in our programme. Fine aroma, beautiful leaf structure.100165 Darjeeling TGFOP 'Sungma'This tea impresses with its excellent price-performance ratio despite the somewhat later plucking during the first flush period.100155 Darjeeling GFOP-I 'Balasun'Our tip for lovers of particularly flowery Darjeelings. Light golden cup, highly aromatic.100135 Darjeeling Tea FTGFOP-I 'Sungma'A very delicate tea with a captivating bouquet.100125 Darjeeling TGFOP-I 'Risheehat'An expressive tea with a full-bodied taste and a lovely aroma.