This tea tasting pack contains 7 tea samples with a content of approx. 15g-20g each.The following tea´s are included:130965 Black Tea Himalaya 'Earl Grey' The classic among the flavoured teas with bergamot aroma added.130625 Darjeeling Tea 'Margarets Hope'Typical with soft pleasant flowery flavour.106405 Darjeeling RoyalA fine blend from different Darjeeling gardens with highly aromatic flavour. From the second flush period.100984 HimalayanA green tea from the Himalayas.A speciality.Fine, tart flavour, very light cup.100564 Darjeeling GFOP-I 'Namring'Modern processing techniques produce this soft and full-bodied second flush tea.100954 Darjeeling TGFOP 'Golden Autumnal'A typical autumn tea that has stored all the power of the sun. Mild and full in flavour.100875 Himalayan Tea Organic MakaibariThis tea garden,Organic Makaibari, is a world model for organic tea cultivation. Fresh, spicy-harsh taste, sunny yellow cup,